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Utah Habitats for Butterflies and Moths
Wasatch Canyons--Mueller Park
8. Montane 9. Utah's Dixie |
Mueller Park is a gorgeous nature and picnic area located just east of Bountiful, Davis County, Utah. Mueller Park offers a variety of butterfly species flying at different times of the spring and summer.
During March, some of the species you may find flying on a sunny, 50+ degree day include some of our overwintering nymphalids such as Nymphalis antiopa (mourning cloak) and Nymphalis californica (california tortoiseshell).
During the warmth of mid-April, several butterfly species of swallowtails, blues, and whites emerge, also begin to fly. These species include Papilio zelicaon nitra (anise swallowtail), Pontia sisymbri sisymbri (spring white), Anthocharis stella browningi (utah stella orangetip) Euchloe ausonides coloradensis (large marble), Colias philodice eriphyle (yellow sulphur), Glaucopsyche lygdamus oro (silvery blue) and Phyciodes mylitta mylitta (thistle crescent).
Towards the end of April, skippers such as Erynnis brizo burgessi (sleepy duskywing), Erynnis telemachus (rocky mountain duskywing) and Hesperia juba (juba skpper) start flying. Another species that starts flying in early May, whose males do fly right along the road are Papilio multicaudata pusillus (two-tailed swallowtail).
Towards the end of May/first of June, other species that may start flying at the park are Papilio rutulus rutulus (western tiger swallowtail), Speyeria coronis snyderi (coronis fritillary), Speyeria callippe harmonia (callippe fritillary), and Limenitis weidemeyeri latifascia (weidemeyer's admiral).
Towards the latter part of June and into July, other species of fritillaries begin to fly such as Speyeria egleis utahensis (great basin fritillary), Speyeria hesperis wasatchia (northwestern fritillary), Speyeria cybele letona (letona fritillary) as well as skippers such as Poanes taxiles (taxiles skipper) and Piruna pirus (russet skipperling).
If you're interested in finding Hypaurotis crysalus citima (colorado hairstreak), during the mid to latter part of July, park at the last parking lot, and walk across the short bridge at Mill Creek. Once past the bridge, start up the trail (in the shade) roughly 75 feet to your first switchback. Switch back (following the trail still in the shade) another 100 feet or so until you get out into the sun and the first visible scrub oak (Quercus gambelii). Landed on those trees you should find colorado hairstreaks.
Butterfly Species Checklist For Mueller Park:
Swallowtails and Parnassians (Family Papilionidae)
Brush-footed Butterflies (Family Nymphalidae)
Gossamer-wing Butterflies (Family Lycaenidae)
Skippers (Family Hesperiidae)
Whites, Orange-Tips and Sulphurs (Family Pieridae)
All images of Limenitis weidemeyeri on the ULS Info Bar courtesy Jay Cossey
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